Thursday, May 24, 2012

the Art speaks for itself

New York Times covered this controversial art work by Brett Murray of South Africa which was defaced by members of the African National Congress (A.N.C. - South Africa's governing political party).
See the Article here - it's worth a quick read
On the side of art, it's interesting to think of the defacing of artwork as the "finishing" work, and I wonder if Mr. Murray feels similarly as his preference is to let the art speak for itself.  I think the Goodman Gallery is awesomely bold as it states: “In this space, the A.N.C.’s right to condemn the work is acknowledged as much as the artist’s right to display it. This, the gallery believes, is democracy at work."  You can see the original painting and the whole satirical exhibit, Hail to the Theif II on Goodman Gallery's website.  It's enlightening.  Go see it.

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