Tuesday, August 9, 2011

good show!

Dear Kelsey Dalton, Andrew McClellan and Harold Kleeman,

Thank you for your fine work in the gallery for this past month.  As follows, a photo tribute to your awesome work:
Rose Tunezja - Dalton&McClellan, oil on canvas, 29" x 48"
Twinned - Dalton&McClellan, oil on canvas, 48" x 36"
Rose de Sables - Dalton&McClellan, oil on canvas, 16" x 29"
Granny's Crannies Go West - Harold, gypsum, alabaster, plaster installation

Those interested to have more information about these works can contact GroundSwell Gallery curators: Rebecca Peebles (myself) or Danette Montoya at
rebecca@groundswelldenver.com or

And please let us know if you'd like to be added to our email newsletter list to stay updated on our shows and events. 

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